
Working in Service to the People of Maui

Gynecology Services

Annual Gynecologic Exams  •  Pap Smear  •  Adolescent Gynecology  •  Family Planning / Contraception  •  Menstrual Cycle Irregularities  •  Abnormal or Heavy Uterine Bleeding  •  Dilation and Curettage  •  Fibroids  •  Management of Cervical Dysplasia/HPV  •  Colposcopy  •  LEEP  •  Menopause/Hormone Therapy  •  Osteoporosis  •  IUD (Mirena, Paraguard, Skyla)  •  Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases  •  Infertility  •  Endometriosis  •  Pelvic Pain  •  PMS

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Specializing in Minimally Invasive Procedures and Surgery

Essure Permanent Sterilization  •  NovaSure Endometrial Ablation  •  Hyseroscopic Myomectomy  •  Laparoscopic Hysterectomy  •  Laparoscopic Myomectomy  •  Other specialized surgeries

