
Do you have excess fat around your midsection and sides that diet and exercise just can’t seem to get rid of? The non-invasive SculpSure body contouring procedure can help reduce fat and give you the body you’ve always wanted!*

Watch: How It Works

How does Non-Invasive Body Contouring Work?

SculpSure uses laser energy to penetrate beneath the skin and target the underlying fat of your problem areas. The fat cells are heated by the laser and destroyed, before being carried out of the body by your natural immune system. The procedure can reduce fat cells up to 24% and the destroyed cells will never return! Simultaneously, the laser stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in your skin, creating a firmer and more youthful appearance over time.

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat

Watch: SculpSure Explained

Schedule a Consultation

What to Expect During SculpSure Fat Removal Treatments

The SculpSure fat removal procedure is non-invasive and therefore does not require any anesthesia to complete. Many patients describe the sensation as a warm, tingling feeling that is generally well-tolerated. The procedure is completed in the office, usually taking less than a half an hour to complete. Most patients see the best results within 6-12 weeks of the treatment. The number of sessions to adequately address your problem areas will be dependent on several factors, including the size of the area being treated.


You deserve to feel wonderful in your own skin! Contact Maui Lani today to schedule your consultation and say goodbye to that stubborn fat once and for all!


*results may vary

SculpSure at Maui Lani